Saturday, April 11, 2009

Rosie & Nathan

This is probably the oldest wedding photo that I have, it was taken 8 April 1900, I have older photos but this is the oldest wedding one. It was taken at the wedding of Rosie Ehrenberg to Nathan Mayover, Rosie was my grandmother Leah's oldest sister, Leah is in the background far left standing with the fancy hat, next to her is my grandfather Alexander Levene they were married a year later. Seated next to the bride are my great grandparents and Rosie's parents, Sarah Hannah & Woolf Ehrenberg, the rest of the people are unidentified. I have assumed that the people seated next to the bridegroom are his parents. Not a very good photo I know but it is better then nothing. Unfortunately Nathan died in 1907 with TB leaving Rosie with 4 young children, Lily, Hyman, Woolf & Dora, Woolf and Dora were twins.